CSR Spotlight on Innovation
August 29, 2022. Every once in a while, we come across a clever idea that not only helps those in need, but also builds a culture of social responsibility in an organization at the same time. We found just this sort of idea from Wendy Rentschler, Head of Global Corporate Social Responsibility at BMC Software. Wendy runs a very active CSR program at BMC Software, where she addresses a wide range of stakeholder needs across a global workforce. Read on to learn about her unique approach to CSR, and how she uses ERGs (Employee Resource Groups) to help achieve the corporate social responsibility goals at BMC.
Wendy Rentschler, Head of Global Corporate Social Responsibility, BMC Software
DHR: We are always on the lookout for new, innovative approaches to CSR and ESG. We’ve noticed how you successfully incorporate Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) into your CSR strategy. Can you share a bit about how these groups are organized and managed?
Wendy: Our Employee Resource groups are administratively and financially supported by the corporate social responsibility team. The groups are led by volunteer ERG Captains. We provide training, resources, topics for meetings, welcome letters for new members, membership drives, KIVA funds and guided meditation courses.
DHR: It was very interesting to hear how you provide funding for each ERG group to use on the microfinancing website, Kiva, where the ERG can use the funds to provide small loans to underserved communities. This seems to accomplish dual goals of addressing the specific focus of each ERG as well as providing direct support to the community. How have the members of the ERGs reacted to this initiative? What types of things have they supported on the Kiva platform?
Wendy: The Members absolutely love it and many of them have actually started microlending on their own. Members fund everything from installing solar panels and new plumbing in villages to entrepreneurs needing help with their auto repair shops to bakeries.
BMC Employee Resource Group (ERG) Microlending Examples on Kiva
Asian and Pacific Islander https://www.kiva.org/lender/apiatbmc
Black @ BMC https://www.kiva.org/lender/blackatbmc
Interfaith https://www.kiva.org/lender/interfaithatbmc
One Earth https://www.kiva.org/lender/oneearth
Women in Technology and Business https://www.kiva.org/lender/witbatbmc
DHR: In addition to the ERGs, what are some of the other tools and approaches you use to advance BMC Software’s diversity, equality, and inclusion goals?
Wendy: Great question. As a technology company focused on helping our own clients become an autonomous digital enterprise, it was important for us to identify tools that were accessible, inclusive and met our employees where they were in this busy world…on their mobile devices. We have partnered with two apps, CulturePop and Uplevyl.
CulturePop is an app that drives awareness four minutes at a time with DEI microlearning that is global. It was developed by US military veterans. One of the founders is Ret. Col. Gregory Gadson, who some might know from his motivational speaking and acting in the film Battleship. BMCers all over the World love the app, especially its micro learning pathways and the educational daily push notifications with the history of a cultural observance, mindfulness break or DEI learning.
We engaged with Uplevyl, an app made by women for those who identify as women, to support our overall company goal to increase female gender representation across the board and in the Tech ecosystem. Women are a historically excluded community in every country in the world. Barriers include networking, caregiving support and financial literacy. Uplevyl bridges this with video content of real women in roles of SME giving advice on everyday topics from sustainable living to how to ask for a raise. There are also living rooms you can join live to have conversations with other women all over the world. It is also very fulfilling to support a women owned tech business.
DHR: With over 6,400 employees to service, you must need to do some sort of prioritization as to where you focus your attention. Do you have any specific strategy for prioritizing your CSR initiatives?
Wendy: Our overall strategy when it comes to prioritizing is to stay true to our mission of digital literacy, digital accessibility, and technological intervention. So whether it is putting Seabin’s in the ocean to remove debris and filter water - technology intervention or encouraging our bilingual BMCers to volunteer as an on-demand language translator for immigrants and refugees with our tech charity partner Tarjimly – language access through digital accessibility, or teaching girls and women about AI and robotics through Robotex India – digital literacy, we stay true and prioritize aligned to our mission.
DHR: You have a very supportive and engaged executive team at BMC Software. For those just starting a new CSR or ESG strategy in their organization, do you have any tips that can help them engage with executive teams or other department leaders to get their participation and support of a new strategy?
Wendy: CSR and ESG are the business imperatives of our time. In Tech, Human Capital is the biggest area of risk. On average across all industries, 70% of investment to run your business is the cost of human capital, salary (pay equity) – benefits (inclusive) – training (DEI). See it and position it as an investment, not a cost. Your team members are your intellectual capital, retaining them is key. The labor market has demonstrated that organizations who are supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals through sustainability programs and DEI initiatives are the employers that high skilled professionals want to work for and buy from, especially millennials and generation Z.
My advice is to keep up with industry and business trends – also follow the publications that your executive team is following, demonstrate business acumen and tie your initiatives to the bottom line and the trends you are hearing about.
DHR: Have you found that having a strong CSR/ESG strategy helps with employee recruitment and retention?
“...every candidate asks about how BMC is supporting DEI, sustainability, and volunteering. It is no longer a nice to have. It is a must have to be an employer of choice.”
Wendy: Absolutely, we re-recruit our employees every time they come to an ERG meeting, participate in a BMC Cares volunteer event, or join a BMC sponsored Diversity Speaker Series. From an external point of view, I get feedback weekly from our BMC interview team that every candidate asks about how BMC is supporting DEI, sustainability, and volunteering. It is no longer a nice to have. It is a must have to be an employer of choice.
DHR: Is partnering a big part of your strategy? Do you partner with any non-profit groups, government groups, or industry associations to advance your CSR goals? Any specific groups you’d like to highlight?
Wendy: Partnering is a huge part of our strategy. We have over 200 charity partners across the world we support financially or through volunteering. A few of our partners that are top of mind include:
Global: Raspberry Pi Foundation
Global: Tarjimly
Global: One Tree Planted
Global: TeamSeas
US: Compudopt
US Military: Combined Arms
India: Robotex India
Global: Generation
Mexico: Nurture a un Nino
Brazil: Gerando Falcões
Global: StartOut
Israel: Kav Mashve
Global: Medic
Global: UN Women, He for She
DHR: When you look out into the second half of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, what are some of the things that will be on your radar?
Wendy: Our three biggest events are coming up soon. We have Global Move (think 5k) on October 15th, a day where BMCers all over the world will raise funds and bring awareness by Moving for Gender Equality. We will move for 132 minutes to drive awareness that it will take 132 years to achieve gender parity if we do not act towards progress. Anyone is welcome to join us at anytime.
Second, our Season of Giving is during November and December, where we provide over 100,000 meals across the World with a number of our charity partners.
Third, we have our Martin Luther King Jr. International Day of Service, where our entire workforce has the day off to volunteer on their own or through over 50 curated virtual and in person events my team and I put on across the globe to honor and celebrate the life of Dr. King. Last year we did everything from Zumba for Pediatric Cancer research to translating code curriculum for kids with Raspberry Pi. In one day we volunteered over 50,000 hours. It is pretty incredible.
DHR: That is incredible! Thank you for sharing your insights with us, Wendy! You have a great CSR program at BMC. It is very helpful to the entire ESG and CSR community to learn from industry leaders like you!
More information about BMC Software can be found at: https://www.bmc.com/
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